
The Iron Gall Ink Website

Pre-Treatment Assessment - Evaluation

Birgit Reissland, Karin Scheper and Sabine Fleischer (2007)

Evaluation of the results of both the visual assessment and the spot tests provides an estimation of the risk of an aqueous treatment to an ink corroded artefact. Based on this evaluation, a conservator can make an informed decision if and which conservation treatment will finally be applied.



If yes,
mark with x

Special observations/remarks

Large areas covered with ink



Dissolved ink in previous water damages?



Ink-transfer technique?



Thick ink layer?



Drying material present? Which?



Deposits on ink?



Areas of special appearance in UV ?



Cracks in inked area?



Free iron(II) ions present?



One / more media soluble in solvents?



Fast / slow water-absorption time paper?



Highest risk(s):             ……………………………………………………………………………………….


Conclusion:                 ……………………………………………………………………………………….